Dear Unbelievable RES Staff, The last four days can sometimes seem like the longest, but try and "cherish" each sweet moment with your students and each other this week. We will not all walk together again in the same way! Remember to BREATHE!!! Here's an interesting Edutopia article about end of year stress and some helpful suggestions. KUDOS to STAFF Who "Stepped Up": Pam B. for all her help at the All Day Field Trip! Hilder for all her help with the after school program! Lisa Kaija for helping out Saturday with the Bike fundraiser! Important Items to Know : Grades/Report Cards - All specials teachers should have their grades into VCAT by Friday, June 8. Teachers should have their grades in by Monday, June 11 at 3 PM so I can review them before they are printed. Field Day Schedule - Here is the schedule Rose plans for this Tuesday! Summer Packets - If you are sending home "summer packets" for