Dear Dedicated and Hardworking Staff,

This will be a weekly event so that we can keep the channels of communication open.    It's been a great seven day so far!  Lots of amazing learning occurring!  This is the FIRST 5 day week, and so please pace yourself!  By Friday, we'll all be tuckered out IF we don't take care of ourselves this week!  This is the students' first 5 day week as well, so please keep that in mind as you plan your day on Thursday and Friday.  

There have been several concerns expressed over the need for serious revision of the Dress Code.  As it stands now, BEFORE addressing a dress code issue with a child, please chat with Mrs. Knight OR Libbet if she's not here  1st.  The revised Dress Code is on a Google Doc and will be shared with you.  Please make your comments on it and let's discuss so we can publish the student-parent handbook.

KUDOS to STAFF Who "Stepped Up":  
  • Sheri and Liza for all their work doing morning and lunch duty!
  • Beth Ann for creating colorful signs for the cafeteria AM expectations!  
  • ALL of you for your dedication and long hours!  
Important Items to Know:

MAILBOXES - Reminder that mailboxes should be emptied, so that as mail arrives it can be delivered timely. PLEASE do not use it as a storage space. For specials teachers, please see Cathy or Libbet if you don't have a "designated" storage space already.

EMERGENCY LESSON PLANS - SUBSTITUTE BINDERS - Emergencies happen. Your "emergency" subs plans are just that, for the times when you plan to be here, but due to weather, accident, etc. you aren't at the last minute. Please complete binders by Friday, September 30, 3 PM and either store them in Cathy's office or in your room but let Cathy know where they are. They should include, but not be limited to, your daily and weekly schedule - duties, classroom procedures, and at least two days of activities/lessons that can be done in your absence.

SO SORRY YOU'RE SICK - You are also responsible for CALLING Libbet if you’re going to be out to ensure a sub is secured. An e-mail is fine to send with sub plans, but the call must be made in order to find a sub for you! Please call her by 6 AM or the night before.

BOO BOO DOCUMENTATION - Injury/Illness (no matter how small) needs to be kept logged by the offices for Nurse's records.   If anyone - staff or student needs medication, bandage, ice pack etc., you should report to the office so that it can be documented.

DUTIES - Kudos to all who have faithfully done their duties. One change in the duty schedule is that Pam Selen will not be doing lunch duty in order to give her mandated lunch period. Cathy K. will be taking her place.

EVALUATIONS - Now that everyone has had a few weeks to settle in, walkthroughs and evaluations will be started. My goal in this process is to document all the great teaching and learning happening in the building - so no worries or stress needed on your part!

PHOTOS - It's great having photos for the blog of exciting events in your classrooms. Please send me a few when you've captured learning on camera!

WINDOWS AND DOORS -  Just a reminder to help keep our students safe and our building secure that all exterior doors must be closed and locked at all times.  

GUIDANCE INTERVIEW - We have a candidate coming by Wed. morning for an interview.  If you have planning at 9 AM and would like to be part of it, you are welcome to be.  Otherwise, we will be walking around the building and I'll make sure you meet them.

PRE-K SUB - The Tues. and Thurs. class is rather large and so in order to help students and the new teacher adjust, Amy H. is helping out the month of September.  

FIRST AID/CPR - If anyone knows of a class being offered, or being part of a class, please let Cathy know.  

CONES - To keep our students playing in the back to be safe, we want to  make sure the cones are out in the morning. Please make sure cones are out BEFORE students go out to play behind the school.

LOCK-DOWN DRILL - This Wed. at 10:45 AM, we will have our first lock-down drill.  Please review the process with your students.  

Happening this Week:
  • Mon., Sept. 12
    • Cathy teaching Library Media/Tech. today
    • 1 PM - Fritz here observing a student
    • 3:00 - 3:45  PM EST MEETING - - Patty's  room (Agenda - review those on plan currently, discuss routines with Fritz.  ) 
    • 6 PM - Act 46 Study Committee meeting  
  • Tues., Sept. 13 - Cathy "off"
    • 3 PM - VINS meeting - Pam, Kathy
  • Wed., Sept. 14
    • 7:50 AM - 8 AM Morning Meeting in the MPR/Cafeteria
    • 9 AM - Interview with possible guidance candidate
    • 1:30 PM - Cathy meets with Dennis
  • Thurs., Sept. 15 - Christine leaving early today.  
    • 3 - 4 PM - EPT Meeting in Patty's room
    • 6 PM - PTO Meeting 6 PM
  • Fri., Sept. 16 -
    • FULL moon
 Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events:
  • Monday, Sept. 19  - Cathy teaching Library Media/Tech. today
  • Tuesday, Sept. 20
    • Jean Chick out at VEHI Conference
    • 8 - 4 Cathy at WCSU Int. Field Review Training, Howe Training - Rutlan
  • Wed., Sept.  21 - 
    • 8 - 4 Cathy at WCSU Int. Field Review Training, Howe Training - Rutland
    • 6 PM - Board Meeting in Patty's room
  • Thurs., Sept. 22  - 
    • Cathy "off" - 9 - 11:30 AM - Vermont Principal's Meeting, Hartford, VT  
    • 2:30 PM - Cathy at Tech Committee Meeting at WCSU
  • Fri., Sept. 23 - Pay Day 
  • Mon., Sept. 26 - Thurs., Sept. 29 - Gr. 5/6 - Web of Life Program 
  • Tues., Sept. 27 - 
    • Cathy "OFF"
    • Lisa not in - at Web of Life Program - Sub in for Art
  • Wed., Sept. 28 - Act 46 Study Committee WCSU 
  • Thurs., Oct. 6 - Back to School Night
  • Wed., Oct. 19 - School Picture Day - THIS IS A CHANGE!  
Thoughts to Ponder:


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