Dear Caring Staff,

  • Jen for all her extra work covering her student with no 1:1 and no special ed. sub.
  • Amy for having lunch in the PK room when I couldn't give her coverage due to no subs.
  • Paitra for helping me with lunch duty when there was only me there due to no para and no subs for special ed.
  • All of you who have provided your parent teacher conference schedules to me.
    Important Items to Know:

    Radios - Just a reminder that if you are outside with your student you should have a radio with you.  If a child needs to come in, feel free to use the radio to call for assistance so you don't have to leave your "post."  

    Playground Injuries - If a child is injured when they are on the playground, the staff who sends a child in for "advanced first aid"(i,e., a fall on the head, more than a band aid, etc.)  is expected to fill out the student injury report. Copies are available in the nurse's office and extra copies will be provided to teachers. Only Sherry and I are authorized to give first aid when the nurse is out. (We had to sign a form.)  Just bring the child in, and you can return to your previous duty. 

    Staff Meetings - I have arranged for Jennifer Stainton to come and help us fine-tune our action research.  She can meet with us on a Monday, but not a Tuesday.  I propose the following amendment to our schedule for this month:
    • Tues., Nov. 20 - MTSS Meeting
    • Mon., Nov. 26 - Action Research Meeting
    If this is not convenient, please send me an e-mail.  If I don't hear from anyone, then we will meet on the above dates.  Your flexibility is appreciated as always.

    Conferences - Family student conferences will occur during the weeks of Nov. 12 - 19.  Please provide schedules to the principal so she will know who is in the building and can coordinate cleaning schedules, etc.    If you need me to join you for a parent conference or EST meeting, please let me know when it is scheduled.  Also, please make sure if you are the last one out of the building that doors are locked and lights are off.  

    Stress - It's that time of year, it's darker earlier, there's too much work and not enough bodies, AND there's been less sunshine.  Let's remember that in spite of the stress, we are a family and we model for students how we handle that stress.  Are we kind to each other?  Do we speak respectfully to each other?  Students are always watching and listening.  Let's remember to BREATHE and watch the tone of our voice as we interact.   We are ALL overworked and stretched, but we are also strong professionals and up to the challenge.  Time is fleeting, let's make each moment as positive and caring as possible for each other.  Just a reminder, EAP is a FREE service for all employees to help us deal with the uncertainly of the future.  I care about each of you and am happy to support you in whatever way I can.  Please reach out.  

    Happening this Week: 
    • Mon., Nov. 12 - NO SCHOOL
    • Tues., Nov. 13 - 
      • Library
      • Grades due in VCAT 8 AM
      • Collaboration time - 2:45 - 3:45 PM
    • Wed., Nov. 14 - Slipper Day
      • Art 
      • Report cards go home 
      • Nurse here
    • Thurs., Nov. 15 - Payday
      • Music- Band continues
    • Fri., Nov. 16 - Pajama Day
      • Spanish
      • 9:30 AM - Evaluation being done in Special Ed. Room
      • Pie Making AFTERSCHOOL
    • Sat., Nov. 17
      • Pie Sale
      • Chili Cook-Off
     Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events: (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
    • Tues., Nov. 20 - 12 - 12:45 PM - Community Feast
    • Per staff request, please check the Google calendar on the Reading website.  
                            Thoughts to Ponder:


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