Dear Dedicated Staff,
Also, I recognize this is a very independent staff, but please run plans by the office so we know what's happening. If I don't know I schedule things guest speakers, coaches, etc., so please keep me in the loop. Please fill in the Google Docs for times to meet with the literacy coach on Fri.
KUDOS to STAFF Who "Stepped Up":
- Señora Elaine for helping out with lunch Fri. when both Sherry & Liza were on the field trip!
- Sherry and Pam for volunteering to drive a staff member home when we needed it!
Important Items to Know:
END OF YEAR EVENTS - If you're planning anything special with your class as the year comes to a close, please keep the lines of communication open and let the office know before things occur.
GUIDANCE CANDIDATE - The guidance candidate will be coming back on Monday to observe excellent teaching strategies in your classroom. Please share any helpful hints you have.
PBIS CELEBRATIONS - School-wide celebrations are planned to celebration reaching our "respect" goals. The student council will be coming around to announce the pending events in your rooms - please let them announce them! Please encourage your classes as they celebrate each letter AND continue to give out "respect tiles." Here is the schedule of events:
- Tues., June 6 -
- "E" - Extra buddy day - students should bring in their favorite stuffed animal to carry all day.
- "C" - Crazy hair day - students can wear their hair however they want to today.
- Fri., June 9 -
- "T" - Time to crunch - popcorn or pretzels during our final CELEBRATION!
- 1 - 2:30 PM- "MOVIE" time in the multipurpose room. Please bring bean bags, comfy chairs, etc. for students to watch a school-wide movie.
STAFF END-OF-YEAR PREP - At the staff meeting Monday, we will discuss: end-of year expectations/procedures goals for next year, the action plan for 2017-18, and some items to review and prepare for our staff retreat. Let's start promptly at 2:55 so we can start our interviews on time. Thanks!
Happening this Week:
- Mon., June 5 - PAM B. out all day
- Gr. 1/2 Swimming 8 - 11 AM
- K Picnic in Weathersfield 11 AM
- K 12:30 - 2:30 PM
- Library MPR - Please bring technology Gr. K, 3-6.
- Staff Meeting 2:55 - 4 PM
- Interviews 4 - 6:45 PM
- Tues., June 6 - Pam B.
- VINS visits Pre-K, K
- Cathy "off"
- 2-2:40 PM - Pam B. leaves
- Wed., June 7 -
- Libbet at Spring Census Training 10-12 (Nina in)
- Pre-K/K Field Trip to Montshire Museum
- 2:30 PM - 504 Meeting - Check your schedule.
- Interviews 3:30 - 6:30 PM
- RES Board Meeting 7 PM
- Thurs., June 8 -
- Gr. 1/2 to plant pumpkins in the a.m.
- Fri., June 9 -
- End of Term 4
- Aimee Toth here ALL day to meet with teachers
- 1-2:30 PM PBIS Schoolwide Celebration - Movie/Popcorn
Last 7.5 days of school.... |
Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events:
- Mon., June 12 -
- Gr. 1/2 Jr. Rangers & Camp Drinker
- K - Bon Voyage 1 -2:30
- Tues., June 13 - 6th Gr. Ceremony 1-2 PM
- Wed., June 14 -
- Step-Up Day for Gr. 6 - they are not in building that day.
- Picnic lunch for students.
- Last Day for Students - Noon Dismissal
- Staff Farewell & Ice Cream Social - 2:30 - 3 PM - MPR
- Teachers in classrooms for afternoon
- Thurs., June 15 - Teacher Work Day - Staff Retreat - Location TBA
- Fri., June 16 - Cathy and Libbet working 8:30 - 2:30 PM
- Wed., June 21 - 7 PM RES Board Meeting
- Thurs., June 29 - Libbet & Cathy working 12 - 5 PM
- Fri., June 30 - Libbet & Cathy working - 8 - 2 PM
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