Dear Dedicated Staff,

It's hard to believe this is the last staff blog of the school year.  Thank you for taking the time to read it even though you are crazy busy with end of year items.  

I want to commend those of you who are ALWAYS professional and focused on students, and kind and courteous to your colleagues and myself.  We all have an exhausting job, but it's time for a well deserved rest.  

Change is always a challenge.  I applaud those of you who accept and welcome change with a positive attitude and as an opportunity for growth.  I hope you have a rejuvenating summer.  I'd love to have our returning staff over to my home for a cook-out in late August.   I'll be sending out an e-mail to those of you who check it.  I'll be in and out throughout the summer, so don't hesitate to text me if you have any questions.  

We wish Beth Ann, Libbet, Greg, and Pam the best as they begin their next leg of life's journey!  You will be missed!  

KUDOS to STAFF Who "Stepped Up":  
  • Liza K. for allowing her Artwork to stay up in the MPR - it makes it so bright and cheery!
  • All of you who have taken out radios for recess duty and outside field trips with your class.  
  • All of you who have provided input in the Parent Blog throughout the year.   
Important Items to Know:

Insurance Forms 2017-18 - I e-mailed these to you Friday and hard copies were put in your box.  Please make sure these forms are put in the SU mail to Linda on Monday.  

Building Hours - Just a reminder to all that the new building alarm hours will be starting Monday, June 19, 8 AM - 8 PM.  If you don't remember your code for the alarm, please let me know ASAP.  

Goals for 2017-2018 -  According to Superintendent Worth, our goal sheets have been completed incorrectly.  She accepted the 2016-17 though they were incorrect, but we need to redo the 2017-18 ones.  The column to the right is not to be completed, and two of your forms' headings had been changed.  Please submit your goals/summative form to me on a Google Doc so that I can reprint it as she has requested and have you sign it again.  Then I can submit them to her again.  

Floors Stripped - The Pre-K & K room floors will be done after Wed., June 22.  The nurses' office and special ed. room will be done next Thurs. & Fri.  The cafeteria will begin being stripped Sat., June 24.  Please do not walk on the multi-purpose room floor if it's being worked on.  We will have signs on the doors as well during this time.  The rest of the floors in the building look so much better after they have been stripped, waxed, and polished.  Check out the upstairs' bathrooms!  

Summer Maintenance - There will be several improvements made to the building over the summer, including mag locks for your doors to make it easier to comply keep your door open safely and yet be able to close during a fire or lockdown, and a camera on the back of the building for security purposes. 

Non-Returning Staff - We will miss you!  Please make sure you turn your keys, computers, and passwords to Libbet before you leave.   Also, please leave a forwarding e-mail and mailing address so that I can forward your e-mail/mail to you for the summer.  

Orders - Due to a very tight budget, all orders must be pre-approved prior to ordering anything.  Also, we're trying to order in bulk if possible to reduce costs.  If you purchase anything on your own, it will not be reimbursed.  A google sheet has been created for you to be able to request your items.  I will be sending you a link to W.B. Mason for supplies as well.  Please check School Specialty and W.B. Mason to see which one is the least expensive.  The amounts you have to spend for 2017-2018 based on the approved budget  will be e-mailed to you Monday.

School Supply List - We are asking families to spend no more than $15. on school supplies, as they help us "make the ends meet."  Please complete the Google Doc I have shared with you.  I will post your list on the website after July 1.  

Classrooms - Every decision that's made in a school should be focused on "What's best for kids."  Not just a classroom of students, but the whole school.  One of the things we may be doing this summer is moving some classrooms around.  Based on input and experience with our Gr. 1/2 classroom next year, students really need to have a sink IN the classroom, not around the corner out of vision, and the same thing goes with the bathroom.  Also, classes that typically go outside a great deal, it may be better for them to have an easy exit.  Another consideration for this is library books and access for children.  We have many library books that students don't have access to because they are in classrooms where teaching is happening when they are having library.  So relocating the library is one of the summer projects this year by possibly putting shelves in the hallway and using part of the "old library" and special ed. room.  This is all in the early planning stage and we will be discussing it briefly at the retreat.  If you'd like to meet with me to discuss this, please let me know when you are available.  

Happening this Week: 
  • Mon., June 12 - 
    • Gr. 1/2 Jr. Rangers & Camp Drinker (Cathy going in afternoon)
    • Library - No need for technology, bring overdue library books - come to MPR.  
    • K - Bon Voyage 1 -2:30
    • Report cards to Cathy please
  • Tues., June 13 - 6th Gr. Ceremony - Multi-Purpose Room 1-2 PM
  • Wed., June 14 - 
    • Step-Up Day for Gr. 6 - they are not in building that day.
    • Picnic lunch for students.  
    • Last Day for Students - Noon Dismissal
    • Staff Farewell & Ice Cream Social - 2:30 - 3 PM - MPR
    • Teachers in classrooms for afternoon
    • Report cards go home
    • Final "to do" list completed and turned in.
  • Thurs., June 15 - Teacher Work Day - Staff Retreat - Location TBA
  • Fri., June 16 - Cathy and Libbet working 8 - 2 PM
 Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events: 
  • Wed., June 21 - 7 PM RES Board Meeting
  • Thurs., June 29 - Libbet & Cathy working 12 - 5 PM
  • Fri., June 30 - Libbet & Cathy working - 8 - 2 PM
  • Thurs., Aug. 24 - NEW Teachers Inservice at WCSU
  • Fri., Aug. 25 - Inservice - Teachers report
  • Mon., Aug. 29 - Inservice - Teachers report
  • Tues., August 29 - Inservice - Teachers report
  • Wed., Aug. 30 - 1st day for students
                  Thoughts to Ponder:


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